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Also here at the site today, weve kicked off a new Giveaway, offering each of you Gay piss boy emo movie chance to take home copies of Warners Harry Potter: Years 3 4 Ultimate Collectors Editions on DVD! Entries will be accepted until Noon Pacific on Sunday, October 31st. Plus, its got Malcolm McDowell, so you know. Jahnke offers up a nice Twilight alternative for Gay piss boy emo movie E1 Entertainments Suck on DVD. For todays installment of the Hell Plaza Oktoberfest, Dr. And in a bit of other news today, DreamWorks How to Train Your Dragon is apparently selling very as it should, given that its a great little film. Speaking of Avatar, I actually just attended James Camerons Avatar Media Day for the upcoming release, so Ill have more on all this very soon. Ive watched it myself today and its pretty cool stuff. And you can chose to either download the clips to your player in high quality, or stream them for faster access.

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